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"Frequent sauna use (4-7 times per week) is associated with up to a 50% lower risk of fatal cardiovascular events, stroke, and all-cause mortality."

Mayo Clinic Proceedings

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In a study conducted by Alina V. Chervinskaya and colleagues in St. Petersburg, Russia, the effects of dry sodium chloride aerosol (DSCA) on the

The study conducted by Alina Chervinskaya and presented at the European Respiratory Society’s 2009 Annual Congress investigates the efficacy of dry sodium chloride aerosol

The study conducted by Matteo Gelardi, Lucia Iannuzzi, Antonio Greco Miani, and colleagues investigates the effectiveness of Aerosal1 halotherapy in treating sub-obstructive adenotonsillar hypertrophy

The study conducted by B. Opriţa, C. Pandrea, B. Dinu, and B. Aignătoaie from the Bucharest Emergency Hospital investigates the effects of halotherapy, specifically

The study conducted by Alina Chervinskaya and colleagues from the Clinical Research Rehabilitation Pulmonary Center in St. Petersburg, Russia, and the Clinic of Balneology

The study, “Salt caves as simulation of natural environment and significance of halotherapy,” conducted by Joanna Zając, Iwona Bojar, Jadwiga Helbin, Emilia Kolarzyk, and

In the article Low-level laser (light) therapy (LLLT) in skin: stimulating, healing, restoring, researchers Pinar Avci and colleagues examine how Low-Level Laser Therapy (LLLT),

In this study, Dr. Glynis Ablon tested a new treatment for psoriasis, a skin condition that causes red, flaky patches. The treatment used light

Additional Research, Studies & Articles

The benefits of infrared therapy have been researched for many years worldwide.  Below are a list of studies, articles and clinical trials that focus on infrared therapy.

Defining Obesogens: Their Impact and Presence in the Household

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Obesogens are present in a number of things people touch, use, eat off of and drink out of on a daily basis, all of which have a seriously detrimental effect on the body. These compounds...

6 Ways Saunas Help Fight Cancer

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text] posted this great blog post on their health and wellness blog. We thank them for allowing us to share it with you: Saunas and sweat baths have been used by various cultures throughout history...

Infrared Saunas and Pain Relief

Relieve Pain With Infrared Sauna Therapy The soothing and relaxing heat from a Clearlight Infrared Sauna offers a variety of healing benefits including a significant reduction in chronic pain often even after the first use!...

Dr. Brian Clement Discusses the Power of Infrared Saunas and Detoxification

According to Dr. Brian Clement, who has been the director of the Hippocrates Health Institute for more than 30 years, we are being assailed from all directions by harmful chemicals and heavy metals. These pollutants...